Thursday, October 31, 2019
Leadership week6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Leadership week6 - Essay Example As a leader, one has a role of ensuring there is collaboration in case of conflict and solution to the actual problem, mutual trust, reinforcing respect and one earns a good reputation as a mediator. Besides collaborating, I have realized to manage and solve conflict through withdrawal and compromising. Both parties need to get satisfaction by deliberating on the issue at hand causing the conflict. Similarly, one has to withdraw from the conflict in order to end the disagreement. These are new skills acquired because of the course as the contents provided me with the required knowledge of managing conflict as a leader. Conflict resolutions tips at work place documented by Huff (2008) in his interview are very important in giving a clue of the expected. As a student, I found it educating and would share it in the class for other students to grasp on the process involved in managing and resolving conflict. Despite the challenges, which come because of conflict, it is essential in developing moves forward as it help in realizing the weaknesses leaders have in their
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Management Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Dynamics - Essay Example ? No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the subject lecturer/tutor concerned. ? I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking). Signature: ______________________________________ Employment Relations Employment relation refers to an economic exchange, an agreement that is established between the employees and employers in relation to the capacity of work or labour power. Balnave and Maconachie (2007, p.2) contend that employment relation is deceptively simple, since there is a need for hiring employees in order to produce goods and services, and the employee is expected to undertake some task for payment. Nevertheless, the essay seeks to discuss the way Unitarist and Pluralist approaches to conflict, would be used i n a situation of industrial action, which was taken by the Construction Forestry and Mining Employees Union in forming the Barangaroo picket line, and identify the approach that offers a better explanation. The conflict that will be explored in this essay involved the Construction giant Lend lease as employers and the employees, who were members of a union, whereby the employers were expected to respect the rights of employees through improvement of job and income security in the building industry (Lend Lease, 2012, p 1). The employees had taken industrial action for a period of forty-eight hours on a Tuesday after unsuccessful bargaining that entailed an agreement that was to cover Lend Leaseââ¬â¢s project management and construction business (ABC News, 2012, p. 1). The union was interested with ensuring equitability concerning employee pay and condition for employee of subcontractors on Lend Lease sites, and this included the Barangaroo project in Sydney (McIllroy, 2012, p. 1). The employers were also being condemned due to their failure in provision of jobs to apprentices in Australia, and the union was calling for better rights for contract as a way of dealing with Howe inquiry regarding job insecurity (ACTU, 2012, p.1). The case concerning Construction giant Lend lease as and its employees is an example of the multidimensional nature of employment relation that establishes a potential for a conflict to occur between parties involved. In fact, the conflicts between employers and employees are termed as industrial conflicts, which relates to issues like; employment conditions, managerial prerogative, wages, social or political concerns. On the other hand, the nature of the employment relationship is depicted by the conflict manifestation, whereby the employees can bargain, hold balance of power, commitment and effort. It entails collective action such as withdrawal from work in situation of a strike, absenteeism, stop-works, while in other situation othe r s may decide to remain in work, but undermine the objective of the management through a go-slow or sabotage (Balnave & Maconachie, 2007, p.7). In order to resolve the situation that involve the conflict between employers and employees, there is a need to understand the frame of reference, which refers a personââ¬â¢
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Pakistan Aircraft Carrier Program
Pakistan Aircraft Carrier Program The purpose of this project is to strengthen the capability of Pakistan navy. The strategic management of Pakistan navy has assessed the strength while observing the increasing strength of our foe. To fight an effective warfare the co-ordination of naval aviation with surface and sub surface forces possess prime importance. It is prime responsibility of naval force to protect the sea lines of communication during war scenario. While considering all defensive and offensive capabilities in different situations the decision has been taken by ministry of defense to induct the aircraft carrier in Pakistan navy. The order have been passed to start the construction of carrier and construction should be as early as possible while using own available resources. The aircraft career should able to carry 15 JF-17 thunders, 12 Z-9EC and 7 seeking at a time. The carrier must have anti missile system, torpedo counter measures, anti gun system, communication equipment with surface sub surface and aviation forces. 1.1 Collect requirements Requirement documentation While considering project charter and stockholder register we use different sort of techniques such as prototypes, observation, interviews, decision making techniques etc we have documented different types of requirements which areà as follows: functional requirements The functional requirements of our project are as follows Lab tested material should use throughout the construction Fire fighting system for all kinds of fire: Length 320 m Beam 80 m Draught 25 m 10 no of engines All machinery from German olam company Carrier should carry 15 missile with range of missile 300 miles 17 anti missile with range of missile 100 miles 14 torpedo and 20 counter measure with range of missile 60 miles 1500 tons fuel capacity 4 navigational radars with range from 10 to 150 miles 4 fire control radars range from 10 to 300 miles 3 sonar range of 200 miles Surface, sub surface and above surface communication equipments NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The non functional requirements are as follows 5 engine should be 7000 hp Other 5 engines should be 5000 hp Fire fighting system on ammunition locker and machinery compartments should be automatic Fire fighting system on living space and galley should be manual Fire control radar should be capable to track the stealth objects Navigational radar should operate on 7 different modes ESM should operate in 8 different modes All missile should be active 7 torpedo should be homing 8 torpedo should be guided 1.2 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PLAN Our purpose is to construct a well equipped and operational aircraft carrier for defensive and offensive actions, to achieve expected performance the basic requirements which we consider are as follows: Good quality material Good auxiliaries Effective weapons Effective sensors Effective radars Aviation facilities Effective fire fighting equipments Effective countermeasures To ensure a good material for construction we should consult with a construction company whose credibility is up to our standards and which have the modern equipment for testing materials. To ensure good supply of electricity we must concern suitable electrical company which must have done this kind of job before and are familiar with their performance. As for auxiliaries concerns we will contact to German Olympus Company because it is reliable company and has been examined many of time before. To ensure the effectiveness of weapons on board ship we will test their capability from any other platform, after completing the testing of all weapon we will let the company for weapon fittings, also after fitting we will once again test the weapons. We will follow same procedure for sensors and radars as well, first checking from others platforms after satisfaction from the capabilities and effectiveness we will allow their fitting. Since the primary purpose of aircraft carrier is to provide air assistance to the surface force, so we must be vigilant about aviation facilities, which include securing facility, fuel facility, platform for maintainers etc. Fire is considered to be the dangerous agent especially on board ships , we will provide effective firefighting equipment for every compartment. And also we ensure the first aid and minor operation facilities in case of emergency. Above mentioned are distinct from each other so maintain and track each requirement we need different which ensure the required effectiveness of their particular task. 2 DEFINE SCOPE 2.1 PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENT Our aim is to build an operational well equipped warship with all aviation facilities (AIRCRAFT CARRIER) . We can achieve it by fulfilling all requirements which facilitate us to accomplish our task effectively. The aircraft career should able to carry 15 JF-17 thunders, 12 Z-9EC and 7 seeking at a time. We will create a platform which will be able to carry our required aircraft with different securing position for each aircraft. The maintenance places should be different according to their type. The carrier must have anti missile system. We will fit 17 anti missiles. The position of anti missile should be different, 5 anti missile on fox,l 5 on quarterdeck, 3 on stbd and 4 on port. The range of each missile should not be less than 100 miles. Torpedo counter measures We will be having 20 torpedo counter measures on different position. the range should not be less than 60 miles. Communication equipment with surface sub surface and aviation forces Role of communication cannot be neglected to fight an effective warfare. We will be having 5 different setups of communication equipment of different companies to communicate with surface, sub surface and air forces. 10 engines We will have total 10 no of engines from German Olympus company among these 5 engines will be of 5000 hp and 5 of 7000 hp. Missile system Carrier will possesses total 17 missiles on different locations. 10 missile should be guided And 7 missiles should be passive. The range of each missile should not be less than 300 miles. Radar system We should have different no of radars for navigational and fire control purpose. We should have 4 navigational radars and 4 fire control radars. Sonar system We will be having 3 sonar on different locations . the range of each sonar should not be less than 200 miles. Firefighting system PROJECT DOCUMENTS UPDATE We will conduct the trials of all equipment and weapons on yearly basis and by reviewing these trials we will make necessary updates by getting information from higher authorities. We will maintain a stack holder register which can be helpful for further progress/improvements. 2.2.1 STAKEHOLDERS REGISTER: STAKE HOLDER REASON French company He will be interested in profit and his publicity so he can affect the project. Chinese company . He will be interested in profit and his publicity so he can affect the project. NHQ Main sponsor will be given by. Please change the project to one you can manage as a project manager.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Black Southenrner :: essays research papers
Black Southerners à à à à à Over the years most of us have read a great deal about the institution of slavery and itââ¬â¢s effects on this country and the African American race as a whole. The fact of the matter is most of us have only learned certain information about slavery. There are only certain facts and historical figures that we lean about. No to say that the information we get is wrong, but we were not taught the whole story. This could be due to the approach of different instructors or because school curriculums are supposed to focus on the interesting facts and stories about slavery. The fact of the matter is there are some areas that go untouched when learning about slavery in most schools. Reading the book Black Southerners was something different for me. It was like some one opened a door and when I entered in I found hidden facts and knowledge about an institution that has a tremendous effect on my country and this history of race. à à à à à John B. Boles is the author of Black Southerners, and before he even discusses slavery itself he acknowledges that most people have preconceived notions about not just about slavery but about history as a whole. Boles says: Part of the mythology every schoolchild in the United States learnsâ⬠¦is that the colony of Virginia achieved quick prosperity upon the basis of slaves and tobacco. Thus, ââ¬Å"the Southâ⬠is assumed to have existed as an initial settlement, with little change until the cataclysm of the Civil War in 1861. Boles discusses the beginnings of slavery in the seventeenth century and he clearly states the common misconceptions of readers and students: Some present-day readers believe slavery began in Jamestown in 1619â⬠¦if such readers are aware of slaveryââ¬â¢s existence in the ancient world, the assume it had become extinct until New World plantations arose with their greed for cheap labor. Boles writes on how slavery was indeed something that started in the Ancient world, and also it was not something that was racial motivated instead ââ¬Å"as in the ancient system, slaves were usually captives of warâ⬠¦with religion, not race, being the crucial factor.â⬠He notions the fact that ââ¬Å"not all blacks were slaves.â⬠à à à à à An important element that should not go unnoticed is how Boles describes how the institution of slavery changed dramatically over time. In itââ¬â¢s early years it was an institution that was not based on race, but more on war, religion, and legal status.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Corporal Punishment Should Be Reintroduced in Schools Essay
Corporal Punishment as described by the Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus is ââ¬Å"punishment of a physical nature, such as caning, flogging, or beatingâ⬠. As long as students understand that corporal punishment is based on authority, not violence or Abuse, and acknowledge that the authority is being used for legitimate purposes such as; discipline, Respect, appropriate classroom behavior and maintaining high levels of learning, they can easily understand why it is something that their Principal should be allowed to perform with Parental Consent. Nowadays, students control the classroom and disregard the teacherââ¬â¢s orders and authority.â⬠Authorityâ⬠ââ¬â the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Since students know that teachers cannot do anything more than send them out of class, teachers are left with an un-teachable classroom due to the distractions caused by ââ¬Å"nuisances in classâ⬠. Students who are defiant or non-compliant can be the most challenging to teach. They frequently interrupt instruction, often do poorly academically, show disrespect and may show little motivation to learn. If parents ââ¬Å"spare the rodâ⬠at home and send an undisciplined child to school, then its fair to say it becomes the responsibility of the school to instill discipline. If the parents and the school fail the child in this regard, then the resulting undisciplined child will learn the hard way about the consequences of unacceptable behavior later in life. Corporal punishment, unlike loss of privileges, such as having your mobile phone taken away, no Facebook activity or a firm lecture about your behavior, allows the child to draw a clear line on what is not acceptable behavior. In the UK, corporal punishment has been banned in schools for numerous years. By reintroducing corporal punishment, teachers will regain the respect and healthy order in the classroom that they should have had in the first place. It is also essential to make it clear to the student being punished the guidelines upon why they are receiving that punishment. . If criminals are punished for crimes, then students must also understand that there are penalties for their actions. If you look at educational statistics and reports from the past to the present, violence and delinquency in schools were 200 to 300% lower than they are now according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), OJJDP (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention) and NCES (National Center for Education Statistics). They show through extensive data children in schools during corporal punishment eras that; students performed better, focused, less instances of delinquency and Respectful. In addition, there were also fewer recorded incidents of students and teachers being accosted, assaulted, harassed and violated. References Http://nces.Ed.Gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2011/key.Asp House of Commons: Corporal punishment lawful with parental consent [HISTORY] On 28 January 1997 the UK parliament debated reinstating Corporal Punishment in state schoolââ¬â¢s, ten years after it was abolished. The move failed, but the debate is quite interesting.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Discipline & Grievance Essay
Disciplinary procedures are an aid to the effective management of people, and should not be viewed primarily as a means of imposing sanctions or as leading to dismissal. Where dismissal does occur, employees may make a complaint to an employment tribunal if they believe they have been unfairly dismissed, although ordinarily the employee must have one yearââ¬â¢s service1. It is for the employer to show the reason for the dismissal and that it was a fair reason. The tribunal will determine whether the dismissal was fair or unfair and will take into account the size and administrative resources of the employer in deciding whether they acted reasonably or unreasonably. The tribunal will take account of Code of Practice the guidance given in the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and grievance procedures [327kb] (see Annexes A and C of the Code) and consider how far the statutory three-step procedures have been followed. What does it mean? Check the glossary for more explanation of the terms used in this handbook. The Code of Practice provides guidance on good practice in disciplinary and grievance matters in employment, and includes information on the right to be accompanied at a disciplinary or grievance hearing. Acas handbook Although this handbook is purely advisory it complements the Code of Practice by giving additional practical advice. Discipline Section 1 on discipline at work starts by explaining why organisations need rules and disciplinary procedures and gives an overview of how to handle discipline. It then looks in depth at. The rest of the part on discipline gives advice on handling absence, unsatisfactory performance and particular cases ââ¬â such as those involving trade union representatives, criminal charges or employees in remote locations. Grievances Part 2 ââ¬â Grievance procedures considers why organisations need procedures and gives advice on how to handle a grievance hearing. Guidance is also given on special cases ââ¬â such as those to do with bullying or harassment, discrimination and whistleblowing. In these sensitive areas some organisations may wish to develop separate procedures. The statutory minimum grievance procedures are also summarised in Part 2 Grievance procedures. The right to be accompanied Part 3- The right to be accompanied. Checklist for the right of accompaniment has information on the right to be accompanied at disciplinary and grievance meetings. Prevention is better than cure Although it is important to deal with discipline and grievance issues fairly and effectively it is more important to prevent problems arising in the first place. The first step is to understand the relationship between discipline and grievance issues and wider issues like communication, induction and training. For example, if managers and staff are in the habit of talking to each other openly about whatââ¬â¢s happening at work then specific problems ââ¬â like lack of training or poor motivation ââ¬â can be resolved before any disciplinary action becomes necessary. Equally, if staff are given contracts of employment when they start work ââ¬â including rules for absence, timekeeping and discipline, as well as details of pay, holidays etc ââ¬â then there will be less opportunity for ambiguity if problems arise in the future. The use of the formal disciplinary and grievance procedures should be considered a ââ¬Ëlast resortââ¬â¢ rather than the first option. Many problems can be sorted out through informal dialogue between managers and staff ââ¬âa ââ¬Ëquiet wordââ¬â¢ is often all thatââ¬â¢s needed.
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